Technical Guide


    1. Debates will take place over Zoom.
    2. Students and coordinators should download Zoom (Download here:



  1. The tabulation website (draw, results, topics) for each division can be found:
  2. The specific links for each division are:
  3. The draw for each round will be found in their finalised form at 9:00am on the Monday (AEDT) preceding the date of the Friday night round.
  4. Adjudicator allocation will be subject to change.
  5. The link is public, and you do not need any account to access it.


  1. Prior to the debate round, please note the break out room number and team you are debating against. Double check your own team name by hovering over the team name and it will display the full names of the speakers within the team. (If there are concerns with this please let us know and we can remove the surnames of students, if necessary).
  2. All debates will take place over zoom.
  3. There will be a lobby zoom room for each division (this room is similar to a supper-room where students and coordinators from different teams are present and where topics are released at an in-person tournament). Speakers will join the room and then be placed into a breakout room with their opposing team in which they will prepare and then debate.

To join the room:

Log into Zoom at least 15 minutes before preparation time.

Your name must be formatted in the following way:


 a. Preparing remotely:

“BR Breakout room number” “Team Name” “First Name” “Last Name” “Speaker position (1/2/3) and side (AFF/NEG)” (remove the “”).

     E.g. BR3 WTA 1 Conna Leslie 1AFF

b. Preparing together as a team (using 1 computer for the whole team)

“BR Breakout room number” “Team Name” “side (AFF/NEG)” (remove the “”).

    E.g. BR5  WTA 1 NEG


“BR Breakout room number” “Adjudicator” “First Name” “Last Name” (remove the “”).

   E.g. BR2 Adjudicator Conna Leslie


“BR Breakout room number” “Team Name Observer” “First Name” “Last Name”

E.g. BR1 WTA 1 Observer Conna Leslie

When you enter the zoom lobby room your camera must remain on and your microphone off unless under the instruction of a tournament facilitator.

This is to ensure quick room allocation and safety for the tournament and is of paramount importance.

To join the zoom lobby rooms, press join and enter in the relevant code for the division:

  1. Primary – 9812345600
  2. Junior – 9812345601
  3. Senior – 9812345603

There is no password to join the zoom rooms. As such, participants will be removed from the room if they do not have their name formatted correctly.