IDC 2023 Topics

Round 1 – Economics

Primary Division – That government should place additional taxes on foods proven to have significant health harms (e.g. processed sugar, cured meats)

Junior Division – That government should prioritise high employment rates at the expense of significantly slowing down technological advancement(e.g. taxing automation, setting a minimum quota for human employees, or banning/limiting use of certain technologies)

Senior Division – That we support the rapid global elimination of both tariff and non-tariff barriers to free trade.

Round 2 – Actor

Primary Division – That, as a new father, we would opt to be a stay at home parent rather then return to the workforce.

Junior Division – That, as a high-achieving student, we would choose to pursue a high-paying career path that is associated with poorer ethics (e.g. corporate law, investment banking, political lobbying) over a stable career with moderate pay (e.g. teaching, nursing) that allows for greater social impact.

Senior Division – That we, as Formula One Management, would form a commercial agreement with Andretti Cadillac Racing and approve them as the 11th team in the F1 Championship.

Round 3 – Education

Primary Division – That all single-gender schools should rapidly transition to co-educational schools.

Junior Division – That we would ban corporations funding academic research.

Senior Division – That
publicly-funded universities should deprioritise degrees with low utilisation
rates (e.g. reallocating funding, lowering admissions into the degrees).

Round 4 – Hypothetical

(the topics in round 4 will be formatted as “That we should prefer a world… e.g.: “That we would prefer a world where individuals could selectively erase their memories”)That publicly-funded universities should deprioritise degrees with low utilisation
rates (e.g. reallocating funding, lowering admissions into the degrees)

Primary Division – That we prefer a world where any individual anonymity on the internet is impossible.

Junior Division – That we prefer a world where no one could hide their current true emotional state from others.

Senior Division – That we prefer a world where excess wealth was considered shameful rather than admirable.